Termite Removal Austin


Insects become more active when the weather warms up and termites are no exception. Termites are common in Texas and are one of the worst pests that can invade your property. They can cause significant structural damage to your home. Texas termite swarming season is here, so homeowners should be on the lookout for these destructive pests.

Termites stealthily can find their way into buildings like your house. They can invade and grow their colony substantially in a relatively short amount of time. Termites eat away at the structure of your home, causing all kinds of issues that are expensive and time-consuming to repair. So,  it is vital to have termite protection, so you can eliminate a current termite infestation in your home, or prevent an infestation in the future. While Americans could encounter any one of the 40+ species of termites, depending on where in the US they live, the main species of concern for Texans include subterranean, drywood, and dampwood termites.


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